After disaster, traditional gasoline and diesel fuel will likely be scarce for a few days, or it may be months, years, or forever. If you’ve prepared your
Short for genetically modified organism, GMO’s are spliced into the actual cells of the plant to make it resistant to insects and disease. That sounds like a great plan
In today’s times, alcohol is more than just a thirst quencher, religious symbol, or bartering agent. We now use alcohol as a disinfecting antiseptic, chemical solvent, in
Each type of wood has different densities, textures, and grains that make it great for one use but not-so-great for others. Knowing the difference will give you the know-how to
Chickens are a bit fickle about cold weather, but the last thing that you want them to do is stop laying eggs. Fortunately, you can keep those hens clucking.