Joe Alton, also known as “Dr. Bones the Disaster Doctor”, is a medical doctor and Amy Alton, also known as “Nurse Amy”, is an advanced registered nurse practitioner and a certified nurse midwife.
They are medical preparedness writers and the authors of the #1 Amazon Bestseller in Survival Skills, Disaster Relief, and Safety/First aid, “The Survival Medicine Handbook”, a guide for when medical help is not on the way.
Besides their book, the Altons produce a weekly podcast called the “Survival Medicine Hour”and have a YouTube channel named “drbonespodcast”. The Altons are also contributors to magazines like Backwoods Home, Survival Quarterly, and others.
Their popular website at has over 500 posts on medical
readiness. The Altons are also the designers of an entire line of medical kits to deal with issues you might encounter after a catastrophe, and produce instructional DVDs to teach skills that might be useful in times of trouble.