HomeENERGY (Page 4)


In a crisis situation, you’ll have to know how to use natural resources to produce your own electricity. Here is how to use mud!

Generating power in a desert setting will come with many challenges. Are you aware of the risks and the advantages the desert is offering?

Everybody’s eyes are on North Korea now because the pot is boiling and expected to blow up. And if it does, it’s going to

While it’s possible to make automobile fuel at home, there are other alternative fuel and engine design options that you should consider.

Major power outages are on the upswing and the loss of the electrical grid is the ultimate survival challenge. Are you prepared?

Discovering how to make a light, compact, effective, fire stove can save your life one day. Here is how to DIY you own alcohol

When it comes to meeting a wide range of survival needs, Arduino can fit into any scenario and make things easier. Here’s how!

In an event of a grid-down situation, it would be nice to have hot water. Here is how to use your wood stove to

Keep your key electronics safe in the event of an EMP, with a Faraday cage. Learn how to build your own Faraday cage for

These DIY wood briquettes can help you prepare for a crisis, save money on your heating bill and increase your income.

Nothing gets wasted, everything gets transformed, even daily wastes you can transform into a source of energy – briquettes.

When the lights go out, desperate people will do desperate things. Don’t let them know that you are better off than they are.

People lived before the grid even existed but when our electricity driven society will fall, how long will you survive?

A space weather event could knock out the power grid and the only preparations that you can count on are those you’ve made yourself.

The Power Whisperer PRO gives your family a level of security you won't find just anywhere. Here's what you need to know!