HomeENERGY (Page 7)


Mulch and compost are biomass and as it decomposes naturally, it creates heat as a byproduct. Why wouldn't you make use of this heat?

The recent EPA rules on wood-burning stoves is an example of executive overreach through regulations. Do they affect you?

DIY projects can save money, but if you are uncertain about electrical wiring, get your DIY fix from projects that are less likely to

More and more people are talking about going off the grid; not just preppers, but average middle class people as well.

While solar, wind, water, and magnetic generation methods can deliver power, batteries will be important for smoothing out electricity delivery amounts.

Considering it only takes a medium-sized storm to knock down power lines, it makes sense to have a reliable power generator for your home.

Protecting renewable energy sources through deception may seem somewhat counterintuitive, but many of the best strategies are exactly that.

Well, what is now commonly referred to as snowvember has brought a lot on our plates. Find out how to deal with it!

There are many different ways of using waste to create energy on a survival farm or even in your back yard!

Why freeze or starve to death when one easy way to make fuel for your fire can be achieved by even a beginner prepper?

Along with the cold winter months, you'll suffer from the winter blues too, courtesy of your energy bill.

If you plan to use an usual generator as a backup power source, think twice. The noise most generators make makes them looter magnets.

These fuels can help you prepare for a crisis and lower your heating bills at the same time.

The key to keeping heating costs down during winter is not wearing extra clothes. Take this step to stay warm without sucking your wallet

If you are interested in cutting edge light sources that can be applied to survival situations, learning more about USB lighting will be of