HomeENERGY (Page 8)


Overall, versatility and durability make this a good choice for preppers. You can make this the core of an EMP survival kit

This particular device can provide 5 volts of power at 2 amps for several hours efficiently and reliably

In a post crisis world, being able to obtain light with a low heat signature and low energy usage is going to be very

Bicycles have many uses beyond simple transportation. What about harnessing pedal power to drive your off-grid devices?

The Tesla Turbine is a fairly simple, EMP proof device that can generate power in just about any circumstance. Do it yourself and save

Solar power will provide you enough energy to put you ahead of the 99.9% of the rest of the population! Can you harness it

The US is still the most powerful nation on Earth and we have many enemies, so it makes sense we are the most likely

Is the US power grid able to survive an EMP attack that could take us 100 years back? Find out how vulnerable we are

Learning how to make methanol safely and efficiently is going to be very important for survival after social collapse. Find out why!

Putting a green roof on a home saves energy for your home, and makes a great medium for your veggies. See how to do

The coal-fired electrical power industry is investing billions in upgrading the system, but they are hampered by bureaucratic red tape.

Protecting your solar panels makes the big step ahead to survive an EMP which would cripple the entire U.S. power grid.

Understanding the cataclysmic threat that EMP poses is sufficient to warrant action on your part to protect your solar panels from it.

With oil prices going through the roof, and a looming economy crash, the idea of making your own fuel has never made more sense.

If SHTF, protein supplies will run short, food sources will be scarce, and water will be polluted. One easy-to-cultivate resource could help with all