HomeENERGY (Page 9)


Gel fuel is safer to use because it won't spill out and cause a fuel fire, and it doesn't produce noxious gases if burned

Looking for alternative solutions for gasoline?
Here's one you can find in the nature and use for years on end.

Basically, all the things we consume cost money. The less we consume, the less money we spend. How do you reduce your consumption?

An EMP could result in a total grid-down scenario and loss of all things electricity. Among the most at-risk after an EMP are the

In a SHTF scenario, knowing how to convert used vegetable oil into usable oil for biodiesel at home is going to be critical. <br

One of the most important things in the winter season is mastering the art of preserving the heat inside your home, without turning up

In a survival situation, knowing how to store flammable items, like diesel, gas, propane or even wood could make the difference between life and

As temperatures are getting lower and lower, we might feel the urge to turn on the heat sky-high. But we are getting depressed when

After disaster, traditional gasoline and diesel fuel will likely be scarce for a few days, or it may be months, years, or forever.

One of the main concerns preppers have is how to survive in case of black-out, no matter the cause. Canning and preserving can provide

From refined fuels such as gasoline, to natural resources including animal dung and coal, there are many sources of fuel for use off the

A serious survival situation will set society back to a more primitive state. Heating your home with these methods is the only way to

With rising inflation and increasing prices on all utilities, it’s no wonder that many Americans today are looking for ways to cut costs wherever