HomeFOODCooking (Page 6)


The only problem I ever had was that no matter how much I made, there still wouldn’t be any left by the time I

If you think that dog food is irrelevant in a survival situation, check this out: you can eat dog food if S really HTF.

The recipes and methods that we’re going to review don’t require a yogurt maker because in a survival situation you may not be able

If you want to use a pasta machine, feel free but since this is about survival, your machine may break so we’re going to

What will be your go to food when SHTF? Do you already produce most of the stuff you eat so you probably you won’t

When SHTF, cheese is quickly going to a hot commodity because it doesn't keep for long. This is when your skills as a cheese

For some of us winter is already here so there’s little time to prep in case you haven’t already.

Making flour is a rewarding experience, and your product keeps all the nutrients that commercial milling takes away.

Learn how to DIY this delicious, magical, germ-killing cleaning agent and wondrous elixir that cures what ails you.

Soon you’ll need to stockpile enough food to get you and your family through the winter

Once you get the basics and understand the science, the world is your brew-toy. Enjoy!

What happens when SHTF and you can't buy this kitchen staple? Nothing, if you’re a good prepper

When SHTF, sugar is going to be a primo product because of the luxury of the crop. Know how to make it, will certainly

I’m willing to bet there’s still one area of your food storage that is sorely lacking.
What is it you say?

If SHTF, you’re not going to be able to use your appliances to cook with. Don’t worry, though - there are many different ways