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Food Storage

If you want to preserve all of the food that you’ve worked so hard on, you’re going to need these items for prepping your

Though there are many different methods of preparing meat for long-term storage, without a doubt, canning it is the easiest way.

Pay attention when you open your foods and take every precaution when you’re canning.
As they say, the devil is in the details!

They’re pretty pricey to buy and many of them don’t taste so great. So, since we’re all about DIY, I wondered if it was

In case of a SHTF event or scenario or even as a basic survival skill, knowing how to dehydrate food for long term storage

Honey is not the only item that will keep indefinitely. Read further to find out what other foods you can keep forever without fear

Our gardens are starting to produce, so there are plenty of things that we should start canning for our stockpiles. We’ve gathered here some

There are actually a lot of things you can do, especially if you plan out your purchases and buy wisely. Let's look at some

Maybe you have a cow or goat that produces more milk than you can use. But what can you do to make it last?

Some tips are to keep your food from spoiling and others are to keep your food supplies safe. All are things that you should

Do you know how to grow it yourself, store it properly, or transform it into multi-purpose items when need arises?

This week is food’s turn. We’ve stumbled upon some great articles on how to stockpile it, nutrition as well as how to use it

If you have never eaten MREs (meals ready to eat) before, then you may not realize that they are very different from foods you

Main issues with survival are fire, shelter, water and food. And if you have run out of food, where can you find some more?

Soon you’ll need to stockpile enough food to get you and your family through the winter