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Food Storage

Once you get the basics and understand the science, the world is your brew-toy. Enjoy!

Rather than hoping food prices will go down, it's important to start storing foods without using a conventional refrigerator or freezer.

There’s nothing quite as liberating and reassuring as knowing you don’t depend on anyone to put food on the table today or the next

This easy to DIY pot-in-pot cooler will save you and your food on a hot summer day

While you are busy getting your emergency items ready, here are a few lifeless enemies that are lurking around to make a mess of

When preparing for disaster, there are a lot of steps to consider for your survival. Food storage is one of those steps, whether you

Natural preservatives - dehydrating, fermenting, smoking and salting, and also sugar and vinegar - can come in quite handy especially when it comes to

Meat would be the first one to go once you lose electricity, but spoiling can be prevented using old-fashioned techniques.
Methods such

In a SHTF situation you can go without showers, brushing your teeth, or changing your clothes but you absolutely cannot go without rations. <br

Famines aren’t something that most people think about in the United States, but they have happened throughout global history and within the US.

In this article we’ll be reviewing some of the key differences between dehydrated foods and freeze-dried, or astronaut, foods.

Now, this article is all about veggies and how to make them long term storage type foods but that’s not the only thing these