HomeFOOD (Page 12)


Many states are under water from flooding, other areas are dealing with massive fires and other problems. Growing a garden now may help you in

The primary active principle in garlic is not the stench, but a powerful antioxidant called allicin, which has many uses, including therapy, prevention and

Wild Lettuce, or Lactuca Virosa looks a bit like dandelion, and has elongated, serrated leaves. It can reach 7 feet tall, and grows in

If you rely on your garden for your food supply, make the most of the growing season. Mid to late summer is the best

You may decide to grow two different kinds of plants in containers. And that’s okay! You can gain valuable knowledge and experience from just

From what I saw, storing meat in lard or another fat would be effective for the same reason that waxing it is – it keeps

Sweet potatoes are grown worldwide and come in a variety of colors and sizes.They are abundant in minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins.

There are many fruits rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants that give anti-cancer benefits. A higher fruit intake is related to lower risks of cancer.

What if I told you that there were between 12k and 25k different enjoyably edible things on our planet but we only actually eat

Frogging is for some a hobby that gets in the blood. The bullfrog is readily available and will prove a tasty, nutritious treat when

In the case of Kudzu, careful management of this plant can give you access to nutritious food for yourself, as well as valuable medication

What if you don't have enough food? Desperate times call for desperate measures. And when disaster strikes you should be prepared for the worst.

Consider these eight food plants that thrive in cold environments when learning yourself or teaching children the fun in growing your own garden.

In real survival situations people find themselves ill-prepared in a place they didn't ever expect. They  "assumed" they could easily return to civilization.

Being a vegan is a very time consuming business, and it’s only possible in our high-tech society, where you can work without basically doing