HomeFOOD (Page 13)


The many spices, teas, and tinctures you can make from your herbs will serve you even during winter. And the abundance of vegetables can

Are you trying to shave some money off your grocery bill? Intentionally adding some budget friendly meals to your meal plan can help you

Gardening takes more effort than I had originally realized and a dangerous thing was how long it takes to really get the soil in

At least 80% of all processed foods contain GMO ingredients (soy, corn, canola), and the vast majority of Americans eat genetically modified foods daily.

After all, when it comes to “salt or sugar” for survival, the answer is that both are important, yet salt has more survival uses

Following “backlash” (just kidding) from our readers after one of my recent articles about eating bugs for survival, I’ve decided to dive deeper into

In a survival scenario, food should be regarded more as a fuel than as a food, and your disaster supplies should contain high-quality foods.

Regardless of how many knives you carry, choose good quality knives as well as accessories such as sharpening stones and suitable carrying cases.

No matter when you look at the news these days, there are endless stories about food recalls as well as ones about people that

As the name suggests, Pink Himalayan salt is light pink in color, comes from the Himalayan mountain range and contains more than 80 trace

Today, many people that look at this list of “deadly plants” will do everything in their power to uproot them or avoid learning more

Dogs are excellent hunting companions. They provide assistance in hunting, protect their owners in the wild and can also retrieve small birds and animals.

If you’re facing a short-term emergency, lose power, or need to bug-out, your kit will keep you going while you get yourself where you

Many different plants can be started this time of year. Planting in the fall helps seeds to become established before the cold winter weather

No matter whether you grow vegetables or herbs, they must have the proper amount of water for their needs in relation to the area