HomeFOOD (Page 18)


Each region has foods that grow particularly well, as well as unique needs that may need to be met in order to allow for

For thousands of years, we ate basically the same. The industrial revolution hit. Suddenly, we were being fed instead of eating. And it isn’t

It may be a dip, or a cake, or your grandma’s meatloaf. We all have that one family dish that we’re known for passed

The Civil War was brutal. The land was destroyed and plundered. How did they manage to survive? Keep reading to find out!

Back in time, it was scandalous if you showed up to a gathering with a store-bought pie or cookies. Do you know the tips

Chickens have a tough time when it gets hot. Here's what it’s going to take to keep your feathery ladies laying during summer!

Give your garden some love and it will give you healthy crops. There are so many things to do in your summer garden. What

Homestead chickens increase self-sufficiency especially when you choose breeds that are perfectly good for both meat and eggs.

Growing your own food not only guarantees self-sufficiency, but it also has surprising health benefits, not to mention the flavor.

If your goal is food independence, then you need to learn about permaculture. Here is how to start your own survival garden!

There are many factors that can turn the food that is supposed to keep you alive into the thing that can kill you.

The only way to truly know your meat is truly safe, is to slaughter it yourself. Here is how to butcher a cow to

We live in a land of what if, and our goal is to always be prepared. Then you need to know how to grow

From watering, to pest control, there are many things to do in the garden this summer if you want to develop healthy, productive crops.

Raising fish in tanks is a great way to diversify your dietary choices and work toward food independence. So here is how to start!