HomeFOOD (Page 20)


Have you ever thought about combining a greenhouse and a cellar? You’d have a Walipini greenhouse where you can grow plants year round.

Tomatoes are healthy, nutritious, easy to grow and to preserve. Here is how to grow an endless supply of tomatoes for survival.

Knowing the shelf life of your foods is important, but more important is knowing how to tell if they’re bad. Here is how to

Cooking from scratch is easier than you think and is a great way to prepare a healthy, nourishing meal your loved ones will enjoy.

You don’t need a huge backyard to grow your own food. Start growing your own garden with these 5 gallon buckets DIY simple projects.

Spring is coming! Are you ready for a new successful gardening and canning season? Here are some useful tips and tricks to help you.

Here is how to make a potato pot and grow them wherever you want and you can even take them with you if you

Growing vegetables in buckets enables people with limited space to grow their own food and no matter where they live, they can eat well.

Gardening is a fun, healthy and rewarding activity, but in a survival situation, knowing how to grow your own food is a necessity.

Have you checked your pantry lately? There are foods with many survival uses, and there are foods that can kill you. Discover them!

If you’re looking for a way to grow vertically in small spaces, this is it! I'm recommending it to any prepper interested to grow

With a pressure cooker, you can cook food in a fraction of the time that it takes to cook it on the stove or

Knowing that you can feed your family fresh, healthy, delicious food, without needing any soil or space, gives you peace of mind.

Vertical gardening adds a new dimension to your prepping since you can grow your own healthy, fresh survival food in a limited space.

Knowing how to hunt may save your life in a survival situation, and if this is your hobby, here is what to know about