HomeFOOD (Page 26)


The government has slowly made it illegal to be self-sufficient all in the name of public and personal health and safety. But there are

If SHTF, these critters can each be lethal in their own way. And so are the bigger predators that attack your crops.

A tomato seed is a tomato seed, right? Wrong.
Here's how to make the smart choice for growing healthy crops!

You’ve made the decision to raise hogs for survival. You’ve lined everything up. You’re ready to go. Except something is still missing, you need

Besides costing an arm and a leg, grocery store pork often contains questionable ingredients. Thankfully, there’s at least one solution.

Packaged yeasts are great, but they in order to make your own bread daily, you’d have to stockpile way too much to get you

I wanted to film this so that all of our readers here on Survivopedia can use this video tutorial to make their own pemmican.

Lard still has a place in the home, especially if you’re living off the grid or are in a situation where you have to

If you want to grow your own survival garden regardless of your climate (well, ALMOST regardless), keep reading folks.

When I think gardening, besides the hard and so rewarding work, I also think of "self-sufficiency" and "food-independence".

Today's article is about the basics of DIY-ing your own greenhouse, the whole 9 yards in DIY for the self-conscious prepper.

You should expand your survival skills and ensure that you can successfully grow food during this time of year.

You may enjoy feeding them by hand, but this projects will free up some time in case you’re too busy to throw scratch every

Is your livestock ready for spring? Once the weather gets warmer it's the perfect time to start cleaning their spaces and think of adding

Despite all the benefits, animals are a lot of work. You shouldn’t just go pick up a milk cow, a pig, or even a