HomeFOOD (Page 27)


Some spring plants pack a lot of nutritional properties as well as medicinal benefits. So let's take a look at 10 of them.

No matter how well prepared you think you are, one small oversight could compromise your food stockpile and render your prepping useless.

After a winter that can't leave sooner I can’t wait for the warm rays of spring sun. And to get back working in my

If a human suffers from a physical or mental ailment, there is an herbal remedy to cure it. But fake herbs are just about

When confronted with a survival situation when SHTF, what's the best thing you can do? Just look back into our history.

It would be incredibly easy if all areas of your garden got the same amount of sun on a daily basis, but it just

Americans waste 40 percent of the food that they buy, and more than a third of all food purchased or grown globally is wasted

Bees have natural ways to survive through the winter but since you’re keeping them in an unnatural habitat, you'll need to help them along

Food labels are confusing and often misleading. For that matter, many of the chemicals in your food aren’t even LISTED on the label.

When SHTF most of us, won't have refrigeration or a freezer to preserve our foods. So it’s important to discuss ways to stockpile vegetables

If you thought bugging in with children was complicated, you may be surprised by a whole new host of challenges when bugging in with

In a SHTF scenarios there are extremely critical elements that change the perspective and dynamics of dog ownership quite seriously.

Food falls into all of the categories above as it’s one of the most valuable resources we have and don’t afford to waste.

How do you stockpile the hard stuff like meat, butter or even eggs? Don’t worry! You can do it, and we’re going to tell

Most gluten-free commercial foods are expensive but I’ve found ways around it in my everyday life. In my prepping closet, though, I’ve made a