HomeFOOD (Page 28)


If you’re huddled under a tarp or even just trying to live off-grid, you’re going to have to take some extra steps to prepare

Of all the skills I managed to master, this seems somehow the most elusive one, probably because I'm not the biggest fan of cooking

Some are our companions, on others we rely for food and others we'd better avoid at all costs if we care for our lives

If you are preparing for survival as a diabetic, you already know the challenges you are facing. But this article will help you get

Few things feel better for a true self-sufficient homesteader than mastering the skills necessary for producing, canning and stockpiling his or her own food.

There are many options for survival foods for vegetarians; you just have to be a bit more creative and prepare ahead a bit more.

It’s easy enough to make as long as you live near maple or birch trees and it stores extremely well – for years if

If you want to preserve all of the food that you’ve worked so hard on, you’re going to need these items for prepping your

The only problem I ever had was that no matter how much I made, there still wouldn’t be any left by the time I

This week we are looking at some of these aspects of food-preparedness, so make sure to scroll to the bottom and see what we

There are many foods that will serve you well in a survival situation but it’s important that you learn how to make them before

You have electricity for keeping your food cold, gas or electricity for cooking it, a car to get you to the store

Booze is going to be a hot trading commodity if a global, world-altering event occurs and alcohol can actually be used to sterilize wounds.

Though there are many different methods of preparing meat for long-term storage, without a doubt, canning it is the easiest way.

But what if you’re a vegetarian, especially a vegan? How should you go about prepping in order to meet post-disaster nutritional needs.