HomeFOOD (Page 32)


Fresh herbs are a great way to learn to garden.They’re extremely forgiving, will grow just about anywhere, and you can easily grow them indoors.

Take the right steps towards food independence and away from food fatigue, while having your stockpile safely set with everything you might need.

You can make bread at home that's good for you even if you have diabetes, or other issues that may be affected by bread

Here are a few things we've learned that might help you as you decide whether or not to get chickens for your backyard.

This week is food’s turn. We’ve stumbled upon some great articles on how to stockpile it, nutrition as well as how to use it

Your fishing techniques have to change and you need to understand where to find the fish. If you have patience, you can still fish

After a major crisis, the safe storage of harvested foods, and the safekeeping of seeds is of the greatest importance to the group survival.

Transition to off-grid is not always a smooth sail, and during the cold months of winter it can get a little tougher

Learning how to use and store these plants now can truly make living off the grid after a crisis much easier to manage.

We’re going to tell you everything there is to know about DIY organic mulch that will cost you next to nothing and it will

Since you’re going to be relying on your livestock, you must know how to protect your farm animals and chickens from extreme weather.

For some of us winter is already here so there’s little time to prep in case you haven’t already.

Find out what to do to prepare your soil so that you can enjoy your survival garden year after year. Rotating your crops is

Many of us already have compost piles and grow at least some of our own food but when SHTF, we’re likely going to have

We found some great articles this week that will help you keep your homestead in top form and ready for the winter and for