HomeFOOD (Page 33)


If you have never eaten MREs (meals ready to eat) before, then you may not realize that they are very different from foods you

Depending on where you live, some plants may need to be started indoors if you're going to get enough nutrients to live on from

Main issues with survival are fire, shelter, water and food. And if you have run out of food, where can you find some more?

When SHTF fresh food will be hard to come by, and while everyone loves MRE’s (not), even rations have nutritional limitations

There is no real proof that GMOs are harmful; but there is no real proof that they aren't either. That's the problem!

Making flour is a rewarding experience, and your product keeps all the nutrients that commercial milling takes away.

It graces our pancakes and unopened, it will last for years

Learn how to DIY this delicious, magical, germ-killing cleaning agent and wondrous elixir that cures what ails you.

Soon you’ll need to stockpile enough food to get you and your family through the winter

Once you get the basics and understand the science, the world is your brew-toy. Enjoy!

What happens when SHTF and you can't buy this kitchen staple? Nothing, if you’re a good prepper

When SHTF, sugar is going to be a primo product because of the luxury of the crop. Know how to make it, will certainly

There are few things worse than having your survival garden looted when the crops are ready

It's fair to say tobacco contributed to the rise of many civilizations and could be used again as a key trade item

Processed flour is linked to diseases of excess such as obesity and diabetes. It also doesn’t taste nearly as good as freshly ground flour!