HomeFOOD (Page 36)


Just because you live in an apartment or a small house doesn’t mean that you can’t grow your own food. We’ve gathered tips that

Dressing game is not the most pleasurable thing to do, but knowing how to hunt and how to dress small/big game might really save

While you are busy getting your emergency items ready, here are a few lifeless enemies that are lurking around to make a mess of

Knowing how to make your own vegetable oil is a great skill to have in case of disaster. If you want to make soap

When preparing for disaster, there are a lot of steps to consider for your survival. Food storage is one of those steps, whether you

Natural preservatives - dehydrating, fermenting, smoking and salting, and also sugar and vinegar - can come in quite handy especially when it comes to

Trying to find space to build a stockpile when you don’t even have enough room to store your clothes can be a challenge, but

If SHTF, you’re not going to be able to use your appliances to cook with. Don’t worry, though - there are many different ways

Short for genetically modified organism, GMO’s are spliced into the actual cells of the plant to make it resistant to insects and disease. <br

Chickens are a bit fickle about cold weather, but the last thing that you want them to do is stop laying eggs. Fortunately, you

Meat would be the first one to go once you lose electricity, but spoiling can be prevented using old-fashioned techniques.
Methods such

Indoor gardening comes with several benefits. First, you don’t have to worry about where your next meal is coming from. Furthermore, it is more

In a SHTF situation you can go without showers, brushing your teeth, or changing your clothes but you absolutely cannot go without rations. <br

Sheep have been raised for centuries by people all over the world because they’re versatile and hardy.
They’re a good livestock

Everyone needs food, and living off the uncultivated land will not be practicable or sustainable after whatever catastrophe has occurred.