HomeFOOD (Page 5)


The subject of mass food shortages has always been a popular one amongst the prepping community. Regardless of the stated reason for the concern,

Stockpiling food is the most basic sign of a prepper. We spend a small fortune building our stockpile just to make sure that we’ll

Hunting is an important skill for preppers to ensure subsistence when the supply chain breaks. Being a crucial skill to one’s survival, it makes

In today’s survival movies and TV shows, you often see how the protagonist is foraging wild edibles in the wilderness just so he or

of food. If your preparations are lacking, you're just wasting food. In this video Jason Salyer covers a simple and easy way to store

Of all the foods that we eat, the hardest to preserve is meat. A large part of that is because meats naturally have more

While preppers had rooms full of food through all this, I ran into a surprising number who were complaining about the stores being empty.

If you want to know what the most efficient type of firearm to use for the most common types of game is, then keep

A long time ago, people used their root cellars to store food long-term and keep produce fresh throughout the winter months.

Hey, this is Tyler with Survivopedia. I'm here with Chris. We're gonna talk to you about guns and, specifically, if I can say it,

Hey, this is Tyler with Survivopedia. I'm gonna knock out a quick video on how to do a snare. Got one in my pocket

Owning a compact tractor is an excellent investment because it will help you achieve pretty much any labor-intensive work

The best solution is to create a comprehensive pest management strategy for your entire homestead. What will it take to prevent pests from affecting

Mead is a hearty addition to any home brewing arsenal, and I recommend you give it a try. You won't be disappointed!

Squirrels can be a great start for beginners since they will help to perfect your marksman abilities and offer satisfactory hunting opportunities before graduating