HomeFOOD (Page 9)


Before the existence of our modern infrastructure, life was all about survival. Survive a drought, survive a storm, survive an Indian attack, or survive

No one wants to leave their home from a disaster unprepared. That’s why it’s crucial to prepare our bag out bag ahead and pack

While choosing the right place to take your family on hunting trips is important, you cannot miss out on the basic safety and survival

If you have preppers in your group, this work becomes much easier since most of us have no problem getting larger bags and store

Take a moment and think about your ideal size for the wicking bed. You can modify the dimensions as you see fit if you

Dehydrated soups are an excellent survival food because they can be stretched to feed more people, or made more concentrated to increase nutritional value.

Let's explore some popular forms of hunting — we'll include fishing as well — and investigate some tips and tricks you can use to

The first thing that comes into people's minds when discussing water gardening is the size. They envision large water ponds with all sorts of

Having green, vegetable-like foods when SHTF will provide a well-balanced diet. It will greatly help you to prevent food fatigue by diversifying your diet.

Most urban residents don’t have enough space to create at-home green spaces. The only chance they interact with nature is when they visit parks

Hopefully, you never have to go toe to toe with a wild animal to defend yourself, but if you do, here are some tips

As a prepper, you never know when cooking efficiently is going to be more important than relying on natural resources such as solar power

When all is said and done, there are hundreds to thousands of plants that you may feel belong in a survival garden. Choosing just

Cooking for survival purposes can be different from regular cooking in many aspects. You may be more interested in conserving as much fuel as

A widespread food shortage can start with the inability to produce staple crops like corn, wheat, and food for farm animals. Today, many commercial