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Plants & Gardening

It would be incredibly easy if all areas of your garden got the same amount of sun on a daily basis, but it just

There are many ways to avoid starvation in a survival situation in the desert if you know what to look for. But with the

For your survival garden, there are some foods that should be a priority due to their nutritional value and the space they need to

You plant your young plants in your garden and wait for them to grow. Then you come out one morning and everything has been

We’re going to discuss several different ways that you can grow whatever you want as long as you have a wall, or even some

It’s tough to find enough space to plant basil, let alone grow an entire garden. So how can you go about gaining self-sufficiency without

Because the conditions are so controlled, raised bed are much more forgiving for beginning gardeners and easily tended by those with experience.

Vermiculture may sound like a gruesome activity but, truth be told, if you’re a prepper, you should start learning fast about its huge potential.

We are in full gardening mode these days so we love to look for new ways of growing our crops and strengthening our gardening

It’s this feature that makes peppers such a great prepper’s plant: you can grow them literally anywhere that has some sun.

Herbicides and pesticides are REALLY bad for both us and the environment. But is there such a thing as natural weed control for your

The standard response for most people is that bugs are bad. If you’re a gardener and growing organic food, bugs can be your best

Many of us have long started researching the best techniques to ensure healthy crops. And this week we've done part of the research for

We have done some research to see if there really is something to the whole “moon cycles and gardening” thing. Here's what we found

You’re ready to make the switch to organic living but have no idea where to start. Awesome: this article was written just for you!