HomeFOODPlants & Gardening (Page 8)

Plants & Gardening

Starting a survival garden is one of your resolutions for 2017? If so, here are some ideas about how to grow efficient food crops.

You don’t always need a ton of water to grow food. That’s where low-water crops come in. Here is how to start your low-water

Did you run out of solutions on growing food in small spaces? Think outside the box and turn traditional gardening upside down! Literally!

You don’t want all of your gardening efforts to be wasted during winter. Here are 10 steps to follow to protect your survival garden.

When it comes to growing your plants, space is a problem, but not for vertical gardening. Here is how to start your own vertical

For many people, gardening & farming are related to spring and summer, but not for us. Here is how to grow your food during

Lighting is an integral part of growing your food indoors. Here are the best tips for lighting your plants without getting noticed.

Trying to live self-sufficiently in an urban area is challenging but you can grow your food even though you live in the city. Here

In winter, it’s still possible to dig through the snow and get to wild edibles. They’re delicious and some of them are packed with

When SHTF, you’ll want to have a discreet garden to grow some survival food. You can create a survival garden inside a terrarium. Here's

While autumn may not be associated with gardening by default, there’s still plenty you can do. Did you know these tips?

In a real survival situation there’s not much you can use for help. If I were to quiz you about what to have close

You may only have space in the back of your car or truck, and some of you have a hitch that can pull an

Even if you haven’t planned for hot days, there are steps you can take to protect your plants from a heatwave. Here are four

There’s one food that meets all of these criteria and then some: beans. They have a lot of benefits and are easy to grow