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Disaster Scenarios

Way too many people have their retirement plans destroyed by illnesses of one sort or another. Here's what you can do to prevent this

Natural disasters like Hurricanes Harvey and Irma have become watershed moments for various presidents. See how these events are used to make Trump look

Each disaster is dragging us closer to the edge of the cliff of financial collapse. How many disasters the country can absorb, before they

We’re much more likely to face a natural disaster in our lifetimes. Hurricane Harvey is only one of them and isn’t done with its

These people are the main driving force behind a one world government, trying to bring all the governments of the world under a central

San Antonio floods remind us all of the high danger from flooding that large parts of the nation regularly face. How do you know

Kim Jong-un is not someone you’d want in charge of a country that has around 20 nuclear warheads. We have all the reasons not

Summer is vacation season, but heat waves do present a clear and present danger to one’s health, especially in a survival situation. Here's how

Whether we like it or not, we need list to keep things organized, or to remember and prioritize activities. Here's a special one: a

Wildfires in California are forcing thousands to evacuate. Nevada is chocking from smoke, and large fires are reported in 12 states. What are we

The sun causes us lots of problems too, between the ultraviolet light it emits and the frequent solar storms. The latest warnings confirm it.

One HEMP (High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse) could blackout all the lower 48 states. Mix in radiation and it gets even worse!

There are many ways and places where you may come into contact with ionized radiation so being able to test for radiation is very

Paris Climate Change Agreement was supposed to cost us $100 trillion. That's a huge price tag, that we're not going to pay anymore.

What would a 14 months drift on the ocean mean in terms of survival? Salvador Alvarenga knows it. He is sharing his story for