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Disaster Scenarios

Just because you’ve started building a stockpile it doesn’t mean you are going to survive any disaster. What are you preparing for?

Humankind is working hard to make an EMP possible, just take a look at North Korea. Yes, a North Korean EMP IS possible, and

When we thought things couldn’t get worse, a Watergate-like scandal rocks the Trump and Obama administration. What’s in it for us?

The liberal left loves to act as if they own the moral high ground. They regularly look down their noses at those of us who call ourselves conservative, even doing the same for those who might be considered moderate.

In the left’s way of looking at things, you’re only a “good person” if you say everything they say you should say, believe everything that they say you should believe and support all the causes they say you should support.

Investigate these 10 nuclear risks and be ready to deal with them long before a critical level warning is issued. Your life might depend

We never know what type of disaster will hit us next. Will it be an EMP, a tornado, a flood, a riot? All we

The U.S. power grid is in danger more than ever. Do you know how to prepare for a power failure that will put your

The right clothing can quite literally be the difference between living and dying if you’re caught outside in bad weather.

We had to face the polar vortex last winter, and we have to face it again these days.
Here's how to

The Power Whisperer PRO gives your family a level of security you won't find just anywhere. Here's what you need to know!

One thing’s for sure: survival will be your biggest challenge when SHTF. We gathered 5 worst-case scenarios to be prepared for.

if you’re surrounded day after day by open flames, a fire is an accident waiting to happen. Take these steps to prevent it from

How can you deal with a heatwave when it comes to off-grid survival? This is how to DIY your own air conditioner in case

The most dangerous thing that Obama did to this country was the loss of the media. That's why we hardly saw reports about Louisiana

Some years, you have nothing to worry about during hurricane season. Other years, such as the season of 2004, teach you the value of