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Disaster Scenarios

Venezuela is a study case. Riots can be found anywhere from US, to Turkey. Theorist attacks are scarier than ever. What are you prepping

That’s what we’re all prepping for, thinking of and questioning about. Here are the latest findings on survival websites and blogs.

The attack in Dallas was not the only attack to take place. The first salvo in the war against the police has been shot

This is a story that every prepper should know. Read it below and think about the mistakes that have been made. Repeating them will

Shifting focus from man-made problems to nature’s force, can offer some perspective to prepping. Here are some threats to learn about.

Do you know about current water dangers we are facing? Check these new tips and tricks about water preparedness!

In today’s Prep Blog Review, we’ve found some great posts about real-life events and shared experiences that offer some valuable advice in prepping and

A wildfire is an uncontrolled fire often occurring in wild land areas, but they can also consume houses and agricultural resources.

In a sudden and surprising move, Putin announced that Russia will be pulling their troops out of the Syrian civil war.

Living in a relatively dry place won’t keep you away of trouble. You still need to know how to power your house in case

People need to learn how to survive extreme temperatures. The Eskimos have been doing this for centuries using very simple technologies and methods.

Regardless of why the building collapsed, there are ways to escape. If you follow a survival plan, you really increase your chances to survive.

If you do not try to escape using a viable plan for that escape, you will find yourself trapped in a burning building.

If you are disabled, you need to understand how your evacuation plans might differ from those created by someone that has other options.

After Fukushima, the long term impacts still need to be considered by everyone interested in prepping.