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Disaster Scenarios

There is little chance that things are going to get better during Obama's last year in office. We can expect that the country will

You have gone to great lengths to build a homestead and make sure that all of your systems are EMP proof, but you might

Taking guns away from honest citizen won't do a thing to stop crime, but may actually cause a rise in violent crime. So, what

Today we gathered 5 articles that will come in useful in any off-grid scenario, but especially after an EMP takes down our grid.

It is one thing to say you can do without electricity, and then actually be able to achieve that goal. Are you ready?

Knowing where to look for information on nuclear radiation sources is as important as knowing what to do during a crisis.

People think they know how a nuclear device looks like, but there are many sources of nuclear contamination. Can you tell the difference?

What if I was to tell you that we are all living in the midst of a world-changing disaster? One that will change life

Republican candidates are rallying against one area of Obama's changes or another; but can they truly turn things around?

Did you know all you need to determine whether you are experiencing a regular power outage or an EMP are only three transistor AM/FM/

While the frustration and anger is quite real, it is being misdirected and manipulated to create a crisis; quite possibly to create a racial

I think the real reason that the media leans towards the left has to do with the type of people drawn to Hollywood and

What are some natural ways that you can keep your animals cool when SHTF and you have no electricity to run appliances?

Can we survive if the sun goes out? The answer is simple, but the hows and whys are often supposition based upon scientific speculation.

So, what has really been going on in the world, while the mainstream media has been trying to keep our eyes focused on the