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Disaster Scenarios

Obama's light slap on Vladimir Putin's wrist wasn't even noticed, let alone slowing down any Russian military action.

So, what's really happening here? Why are people ignoring the facts and the decisions made by the two Grand Juries?

On November 20th, Obama announced his plans to push forward with granting amnesty to 5,000,000 illegal aliens in the United States

Could the killing of Michael Brown – the young Afro-American from Ferguson - be the spark that reignited America’s historic racial feud?

The sweeping victories by the Republican Party should be a pretty clear message to Washington that We the People aren't happy with how things

The latest events make us think more of the importance of being prepared for an attack on the grid, which would mean lights out

You've been spending a lot of time prepping for the biggest crisis ever but have you ever really practiced what you are preparing

The US is still the most powerful nation on Earth and we have many enemies, so it makes sense we are the most likely

Is the US power grid able to survive an EMP attack that could take us 100 years back? Find out how vulnerable we are

The best way to survive weather disasters is to be prepared.
Find what your geographical dangers are and be prepared!

Like most of Obama’s other actions, this one too is clearly going to hurt our country

Floods are a recurring natural disaster and extremely costly in terms of human lives and economic loss. Are you prepared?

Protecting your solar panels makes the big step ahead to survive an EMP which would cripple the entire U.S. power grid.

Understanding the cataclysmic threat that EMP poses is sufficient to warrant action on your part to protect your solar panels from it.

The easiest way for our many enemies to disable the United States is through an EMP attack. If the EMP attack is made