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Disaster Scenarios

Since you have no warning when an earthquake is going to pay you a visit and you never know what area will be hit,

Violence will be the rule of the day in which you will either kill or be killed if you don’t know these 6 ways

The EMP will not only cause a collapse of society, but a financial collapse as well.
Famine and pandemic will also follow.

An EMP could result in a total grid-down scenario and loss of all things electricity. Among the most at-risk after an EMP are the

Hiding your survival supplies from looters is a basic principle in nature, and one of the most important things to learn if you are

Many people believe that the biggest fear after SHTF is going to be starvation or attack from other humans, but the likelihood of mass

While no one wants to dream about the idea of a nuclear crisis, it should be accepted that globally, nuclear tensions are rising and

Winter can bring some harsh weather in its wake, but you can prepare for it so that you and your family aren’t caught by

Does anybody know what kind of disaster will hit us first? Will it be a quake or an EMP?
Or rioting in

Throughout human history there have been several pandemics which have swept over the world, devastating the human race and leaving innumerable dead in their

Anyone who has been interested in survival or general preparedness for a while knows by now how important food, water and other basic necessities