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Disaster Scenarios

While you and I might be able to survive to the end of our days without rebuilding society, our children can't.

I know I just wrote about war in my last message to you, but I can't ignore what's going on in the world today.

None of us can control the weather or what others do in inclement weather. But we have complete control over what we do about

Crimes that used to be committed by individuals are now committed en-masse, making the situation that much more dangerous for law-abiding citizens

Make sure you're ready for anything — and that includes stocking up on the often-overlooked supplies that could make all the difference.

Earthquakes are hardly being discussed, even if such natural disasters can bring destruction and death. We still believe such calamities always happen somewhere else

Luckily, there are many ways to store your survival supplies, so they're out of sight, out of reach, and inaccessible to your childre

In this article, we will discuss how one can prepare now to make sure they can handle any real-life situation that leads to an

Amid all the big-screen spectacle, few people noticed that a large portion of the film Dune was about survival.

The best thing you can do during an SHTF scenario is to go to the ground. The only exception to this rule might be

A buried treasure containing everything necessary to your survival is a backup plan that will help you reach your safe haven when every other

Anyone entering a wilderness environment must understand that wild animals are dangerous, and getting too close to them will cost people their lives.

While being a big gun fan myself, I've never ignored the possibilities offered by other weapons and the reality that there may come a

Regardless if it's a natural or artificial disaster, you must do everything possible to procure, treat and use water as efficiently as possible

Fortunately, most of the survival skills needed to survive a worst-case scenario can be practiced right in your backyard. Let's look at how