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Disaster Scenarios

I honestly believe that we will see the world changed in our lifetime due to global warming in ways we thought could be possible

If you live in an environment/region that is prone to wildfires, you should plan to protect your home from fires as best as you

Whether you boat for work, transportation, or play, boating is an inherently dangerous environment, so I hope you find a pointer or two here

The arctic blast that blanketed the United States has hit Texas particularly hard. Being a warm state, Texas doesn't see much cold weather.

Our understanding of disasters and the risks we face have expanded. We now have a whole plethora of disaster scenarios we study, seeking out

There are a many disasters that can cause terrible damage and break down the distribution of community resources, wreak havoc on commerce, and crush

During disasters we learned what survivalists had predicted for decades: emergency responders will respond after they and their household are squared away.

One of the biggest problems that can possibly face us in a TEOTWAWKI world, especially one in which the grid has gone down is

There are more than 6 million car accidents in the United States every year, resulting in 3 million injuries annually and more than 90

If you live in an area that’s prone to earthquakes, you probably don’t want your cache on the other side of a river, with

When a natural disaster occurs, bugging out may be the only logical and proper decision you can make since it is the only thing

2020 has taught us that disasters don’t come in neat little packages, totally isolated and presented to us one at a time so that

It seems like none of the big companies out there are seeing this, so they’re not taking advantage of it. That leaves the opportunity

Avoid touching your mouth, nose, ears, and face, wear your mask, practice social distancing as much as possible, and wash your hands frequently.

People live and work closely together daily, but when SHTF, all these people you’re used to will surely become a danger and a threat