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Disaster Scenarios

While Venezuela is a much smaller country than the United States, there are many parallels between the two, especially when you compare pre-Chavez Venezuela

It is my hope that every person  will keep this in mind and do their best to promote the Second Amendment and ensure that

The movement for a “Texit” has been slowly growing here for a lot of years. By and large, it grows when we have a

Ever since the Unabomber began wreaking havoc, I have always wondered when our nation would be awash in bombings and bomb threats by various

Maybe you're like me, and dream of leaving society behind to live in the wild. Maybe you're not. Either way, there are few people

Winter comes with obstacles and hardship, which make it an excellent time to improve readiness by practicing survival skills. For the survivalist, these difficulties

There’s no question about it, slavery was one of the darkest chapters of American history. But, the truth of the matter is that the

When people think about problems that occur when driving in the snow, they usually limit their considerations to skidding or hitting a snow bank.

The ending of South African apartheid was a great victory for human rights, supposedly signaling an end to the racism that ruled that country.

People today that suffer from allergies and breathing problems already know that decreasing air quality is only making them sicker.

Natural disasters are all scary; but one of the scariest ones to be caught in is an earthquake. There’s nothing else that compares with

The vast majority that are looking to open their first retirement account, hit a problem that is global. Nearly every investable asset class is

To many, the start of any new year is a time of hope, a chance for opportunity, a time for making New Year’s resolutions.

Surviving a disaster in July is one thing. Winter, on the other hand, is an entirely different survival beast. In some climates, you can

There are many ways to wind up on high on a mountain. And here's how to survive if you find yourself in a situation