The worst problems after an EMP can be reduced by using older technologies, which are far less vulnerable to an EMP. Learn how to

The US is still the most powerful nation on Earth and we have many enemies, so it makes sense we are the most likely

Is the US power grid able to survive an EMP attack that could take us 100 years back? Find out how vulnerable we are

Protecting your solar panels makes the big step ahead to survive an EMP which would cripple the entire U.S. power grid.

Understanding the cataclysmic threat that EMP poses is sufficient to warrant action on your part to protect your solar panels from it.

The easiest way for our many enemies to disable the United States is through an EMP attack. If the EMP attack is made

The EMP will not only cause a collapse of society, but a financial collapse as well.
Famine and pandemic will also follow.

An EMP could result in a total grid-down scenario and loss of all things electricity. Among the most at-risk after an EMP are the

Although it isn’t practical to protect most of the electronics in your home there is certainly value in protecting some things from permanent damage.

One of the most important survival strategies following an EMP event is evacuation, either to a bug out location or to an area not

Not only have EMPs been weaponized, meaning that a rival military force could use one against US, terrorist organizations have also adopted the technology.