HomeGENERAL PREP (Page 10)


Every year or even more often, scientists surprise us with news related to the upcoming worldwide disaster that awaits us.

A sharp knife is a safe knife, and sometimes you just need to give the blade a quick touch up to keep that keen

A lot of folks are dreaming of making the switch from a modern lifestyle to off-grid living. In fact, more and more people are

A saw is an indispensable backcountry tool. It allows you to construct structures, process firewood, and even make tools. However, it's not always practical

When people think about survival groups, they have all sorts of expectations and get their ideas from movies or TV shows. They want to

In this video, Jason Salyer shows you how to use a pole, a bit of cordage, and a poncho to efficiently rig up a

Until you don't think about the importance of something as simple as a container. Do you need to gather some berries or other delicate

Here in the prepping community, we’re accustomed to talking about EMP as a TEOTWAWKI event, perhaps even our “favorite” such event, at least from

Once basic skills are practiced (see Part I and II of this series), the only limit to trap making becomes one's own imagination. Using

A saw is an indispensable backcountry tool. It allows you to construct structures, process firewood, and even make tools. However, it's not always practical

We've covered a lot of ways to get fire, from flint and steel to natural tinders. But in our latest video, Jason Salyer covers

Coming July 28-30th, the Ready Summit will feature training from experts in first aid, food storage, water treatment and storage, emergency planning and kits,

A saw is an indispensable backcountry tool. It allows you to construct structures, process firewood, and even make tools. However, it's not always practical

Teens these days live in a different world than many of us did growing up. They are surrounded by technology, constantly in contact with

Getting to know experts in their respective fields bridges the gap between them and aspiring, eager young professionals. I like asking questions and seeing