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The basis of winter survival are: get the fire going, get yourself up off the snow at the bed, copious amounts of fuel for

The best solution is to create a comprehensive pest management strategy for your entire homestead. What will it take to prevent pests from affecting

Living every day as if it is a survival situation will help you in doing that, if for no other reason that you won't

Hey, this is Tyler with Survivopedia. I want to do a winter EDC video. So, we're gonna do that today.

Whatever type of shelter you build should protect you from the elements and keep you warm until help arrives or your situation improves.

I know I just wrote about war in my last message to you, but I can't ignore what's going on in the world today.

Mead is a hearty addition to any home brewing arsenal, and I recommend you give it a try. You won't be disappointed!

Nevertheless, the cold war we are in today is just as real and just as dangerous as the one I grew up in.

An SHTF scenario may not be the best time to bring a new baby into the world. But it's going to happen.

This is Tyler White with Survivopedia. I want to introduce to you the concept of layering your EDC.

Whether you're just starting your collection of survival gear and supplies, or you're tired of tripping over bags of flour and other dry goods,

If you're like me and you like to spend time in the great outdoors during the winter, you must be prepared to handle the

None of us can control the weather or what others do in inclement weather. But we have complete control over what we do about

Squirrels can be a great start for beginners since they will help to perfect your marksman abilities and offer satisfactory hunting opportunities before graduating

There are plenty of survival situations where having the right body armor could mean the difference between life and death.