HomeGENERAL PREP (Page 24)


Just because you are disabled doesn't mean you can't be trained to shoot a handgun for self-defense safely.

The truth is that we don't know what sorts of problems we're going to encounter when we go out our front door.Being prepared could

Some of the best shooters I have met over the years were leg amputees, paraplegics, or individuals using wheelchairs or walking aids.

While we may be able to survive a few months or even a few years by ourselves, for society to continue, we need to

Do you wish you had a little extra money coming in to help fund your prepping? To help you think of possibilities, here are

If you are or will be in a moving process, in this article I will give you are some pointers on how to stay

When it comes to your survival, porcupines will provide a good amount of meat, and they will keep you, and yours fed when the

Some of the best shooters I have met over the years were leg amputees, paraplegics, or individuals using wheelchairs or walking aids.

Survival is also going to require us to push harder and longer than we're used to. The physical strain of survival is likely to

Procuring food in the wilderness will always pose a problem for the inexperienced gatherer or hunter, and it may take quite a few tries

Whether you boat for work, transportation, or play, boating is an inherently dangerous environment, so I hope you find a pointer or two here

Make yourself a plan and stick with it as much as possible so that your family's survival shelter will meet your needs without becoming

If you have spent any time at all in a vehicle, you know that cramped spaces can make for complications you may not have

The perfect hideout won't look the same for everyone, but they'll have the same purpose. Your primary goal is to keep you and your

Even if you're not the world's best handyman, make sure you've got some basic tools, hardware, wire, duct tape, and superglue.