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Learning how to clean up after a rodent infestation is an important skill, no matter whether you live in an apartment, your own home,

The arctic blast that blanketed the United States has hit Texas particularly hard. Being a warm state, Texas doesn't see much cold weather.

I'll share what I've learned about feeding my flock. I'll also discuss some ways to maintain chickens in a self-sufficient manner and feed your

There are many different answers to survival questions, but having a bag packed and ready if staying home isn't an option is an excellent

Many herbs and plants have powerful medicinal properties and are relatively easy to grow. In a pinch, that can be the difference between life

Maintaining a small garden and chickens is critical. You can stockpile supplies and seeds, so you're ready to scale when catastrophe strikes.

Do the best you can to make your shelters, storage areas, and common buildings like a bank vault, defeating them before they even try.

Here are some essential steps and precautions you must take after getting rid of these unwanted guests from your home.

Are you struggling to control your apocalyptic anxiety and the panic attacks that come with it? Here are our top tips for addressing your

There's a greater need for apartment dwellers to prepare. They don't have the resource advantage that someone living in suburbia has.

Access to a stocked survival shelter means the difference between life and death in an emergency. Unfortunately, your safe spot is only as good

Our understanding of disasters and the risks we face have expanded. We now have a whole plethora of disaster scenarios we study, seeking out

There are a many disasters that can cause terrible damage and break down the distribution of community resources, wreak havoc on commerce, and crush

Make sure the fire is out cold. Whenever I extinguish a campfire, I touch the ashes to make sure that they are cold. This

Here’s what you need to know about EMPs and how to protect your digital assets from being completely erased in the event of an