HomeGENERAL PREP (Page 26)


As preppers, it’s important that we are constantly on the lookout for what’s happening in the world and aware of how those things can

I actually think that 2021 is going to be a light year for natural disasters. While I’m sure we will have some, I don’t

Your waste disposal systems and toilet facilities can become critical not only for your mental wellbeing but also for your health and survival in

During disasters we learned what survivalists had predicted for decades: emergency responders will respond after they and their household are squared away.

Before volunteer rescuers set out to help others, they should don personal protective equipment that provides a line of defense against accidental injuries.

The holiday season is more about survival than enjoying the times. There can be many reasons for this, from the loss of a loved

There are times when we make things complicated and others where we simplify them too much. The complicated ones can get us killed by

Why lockpicks? In an emergency scenario, why not use forcible entry? Firefighters, Police and Military use them, so shouldn’t survivalists use them too?

One of the biggest problems that can possibly face us in a TEOTWAWKI world, especially one in which the grid has gone down is

There are more than 6 million car accidents in the United States every year, resulting in 3 million injuries annually and more than 90

There are really two options that anyone in this position can take. The first is to give up on the old home and start

Does everyone in your household know the plans? Are your plans simple enough to succeed? Are they adaptable to the types of tactics enemies

People have been talking about the potential of a civil war, with both sides of the political aisle saying that the other side will

You need to program your mind so that you minimize distractions, set your ground rules, put up a functional space, and leverage technology to

Throughout the films, they weren’t a team, they were, to put it in Bruce Banner’s words, “What are we, a team? We’re a chemical