HomeGENERAL PREP (Page 28)


If you have one of these professions, there will always be a place reserved for you in a survival group, and you will become

It seems like none of the big companies out there are seeing this, so they’re not taking advantage of it. That leaves the opportunity

Avoid touching your mouth, nose, ears, and face, wear your mask, practice social distancing as much as possible, and wash your hands frequently.

People live and work closely together daily, but when SHTF, all these people you’re used to will surely become a danger and a threat

Maybe we’ll be able to send our kids back to school. It may end up being that we, as a society, opt for distance

Keeping a certain distance between you and a certain threat will increase your chances of survival, but things are not always as easy as

According to John Leach, 80% of disaster victims freeze up in emergencies, taking no action at all. Having a plan makes you three times

If you have ever wanted to detach from the structures of society and live completely “free” from the tediousness of everyday life, you are

No matter what the SHTF event might be, if it becomes a threat to the physical integrity and overall, the well-being of your family,

If you aren’t already armed, you should be. If you don’t have enough ammo, buy some more. Spend enough time at your local shooting

Social distancing, or stay-safe-at-home, has been the clarion call for most governments and health organizations all over the world for the better part of

Just because you can’t drink urine, it doesn’t mean it’s worthless. There are many uses for it, and urine has been used successfully for

I’ve already self-quarantined twice; the first time because I had what turned out to be the flu and the second time because a relative

It is therapeutic to subject oneself to the solitude of the wilderness. It will go a long way in providing a fresh perspective to

Any effort you spend now will save you a lot of time during a real emergency, and you may circumvent having to take some