HomeGENERAL PREP (Page 29)


Should the U.S. go down, it will rise again; perhaps not as the United States of America, but as something else. It might even

The current pandemic is absolutely no joke, and we have no idea what the future will bring, and if the second wave will be

That’s the risk we all face. We have to see if the masses of people out demonstrating and rioting are going to cause an

Most Americans believe that being a prepper requires having a secret bunker, a few years worth of food, and enough guns and ammo to

All the readers here have not only the required skills to face any hardship, but the most important thing, they can count on an

The versatility of aluminum foil makes it an ideal candidate for your bag, and you should really consider buying a roll or two for

We need to get used to the idea that this isn’t a temporary measure. We need to upgrade our thinking. The idea that this

We don’t want to be caught unaware. That is why we have to start learning survival skills that will help us cope if we

What if this disease was worse? What if we hadn’t had the lockdown and we were looking at hundreds of thousands dead by now;

People are tired of being shut-in. Protesters in some states are making that message clear, telling their governors that it’s time to open the

There’s no way of knowing if we will have the same problem or not; but looking at the grocery stores over the last few

Our generation and the upcoming ones are getting more and more engulfed by technology, forgetting that some time ago, people were counting on their

A 14-day quarantine is not going to put a stop to the disease. There are a significant number of cases where the incubation period

As the Coronavirus pandemic grows, governments around the world are scrambling to understand and deal with the threat to society that the pandemic has

Should things turn out differently than I’m saying, I still have my long-term stockpile to fall back on. I don’t expect to need it,