HomeGENERAL PREP (Page 32)


Always have a tsunami-evacuation plan, always keep an emergency survival kit in your car, know the area, be cautious and react quickly after an

Destroying sensitive documents that are no longer needed reduces the risk that the information they contain will be compromised. It also frees up space.

After experiencing a few scenarios involving floods, I can tell you it’s almost surreal how quickly flood waters rise and how powerless it makes

Risks arise from the overwhelming summer heat and are often ignored, but the risks these fun-filled summer months might carry are essential to be

When SHTF, such as getting stuck in a cave, in an unfamiliar and not very friendly environment, the number 1 thing to worry about

Where are you on the road to privacy? Maybe you haven’t gone far at all and still have a ton of information out there.

Starting a fire in the wilderness is hard; much harder than starting one in your fireplace at home. It becomes worse, when you’re dealing

Hurricane season is here. For the next months, anyone living along the cost will be watching the weather and checking the National Hurricane Center’s

Create a Go Bag and stock it with what you need to reach your destination. Be sure to include plenty of cash because it

See, there aren’t many situations in “the current year”, at least in the “first world”, where you can contemplate the possibility of mass casualties.

Privacy is for everyone. Good people who protect those who are incapable of protecting themselves and people who make the world a better place

If you want to live off the grid, first you need to get rid of debt. You don’t need that burden hanging over you

The best way to survive a flood is to be gone before it starts. If that is not an option, making sure your attic

The sheer volume of things that we need to do to be prepared can become overwhelming. When it does, we look to find balance

Smoke has been used for signaling for centuries. The American Indians used smoke signals to send messages over long distances. But they are not