HomeGENERAL PREP (Page 33)


Smoke has been used for signaling for centuries. The American Indians used smoke signals to send messages over long distances. But they are not

Prepping is a lifestyle that requires absolute commitment to ensuring that all needs, and some wants, would be covered in the event of a

No matter how you spend your summers, chances are that enjoying the great outdoors is part of it. But enjoying the great outdoors is

Hurricanes are a major threat to life. They are the most damaging natural disasters, having killed thousands of lives and homes for the past

The post SHTF effects can last from 72 hours to a few months. It is impossible to establish how much a crisis can last

Your body can become overheated either through ambient temperature that is hot or ambient temperature that is preventing your body from shedding excess heat.

I believe it’s time to unlearn some of these so-called “survival rules.” Most of these myths may not be as accurate as you may

Women are physically better at handling stress. A study found that women are better equipped to use both the analytical and the intuitive sides of

Whatever reason makes you want to go on an outdoor adventure, you ought to pack the correct gear to avoid ruining the journey. You

If we have learned first-aid anyway, doesn’t it make sense to use those skills to take care of the injured, while waiting for the

Special Forces training is designed to show them how to adapt to all environments and scenarios and how to factor the inevitable fatigue

Tracking a person who is lost but wants to be found ought to be easier than tracking someone who is going out of their

A massive solar flare hitting us directly would have the exact-same effect as an EMP attack from North Korea, Russia or whatever “axis of

People still got sick during the Great Depression. Many died from malnutrition or starvation. Others were so emotionally impacted that they committed suicide.

It is easier to survive in a group than trying to survive alone. We humans are social animals and we need others around us