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If you use the term “prepper” most listeners will immediately think of the “Doomsday Preppers” TV show on National Geographic…

As we have seen more often in the past 20 years, a city or a regional blackout is no longer a matter of if,

The harsh reality is that living totally off-grid, over 100 miles away from civilization is an extremely hard life; one that few of us

Whether or not you have been hacked depends on your definition of “hacked.” In the broadest sense, it means that your information has been

AI researchers and civil rights groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union are particularly concerned about accuracy and bias in facial-recognition systems.

Age is a key risk factor, with hip fractures occurring to those aged 65 or older. They're a result of a fall or when

A tornado can wipe out an entire town in minutes. Seeing the destructive power such a violent storm can cause, it’s important to prepare

The United States has seized a North Korean cargo ship, alleging sanctions violations by the country, the Justice Department said Thursday, 9th of May

Our environment continues to change, so you can expect more massive fires in areas where they may not have happened before. That’s why you need

The founder of Insys Therapeutics, John Kapoor, has become the first pharmaceutical boss to be convicted in a case linked to the US opioid

Malaria, West Nile Virus, Lyme’s disease, Murine typhus and even the plague are spread via insects and vermin such as mosquitos, fleas, ticks, and

Floods are one of the hardest natural disasters to protect your home from. The sheer power of huge quantities of water is hard to

Being an active shooter, committing mass murder is all about numbers. Shooters feel that the more people they can kill, the more glory they

You have probably heard someone saying, “Prepping is a lifestyle” sometime or another, but I wonder how many of us actually live it out

Our electrical grid is Achilles Heel and there's an avalanche of evidence that our electrical network is more vulnerable than commercial jets before 9/11.