HomeGENERAL PREP (Page 38)


Within a day and with less than a couple of hundred dollars, you can actually do everything you need to, in order to prepare

"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone". - Ronald Reagan Since the very beginning of our blog, over 5 years ago, we wished

Since we spend most of our time at work, there’s a good chance something bag will happen, hence let's have a look at the

There’s a huge difference in population density between suburbia and center city and that means a huge difference in the ratio of people to

One of the first things that will happen after a disaster will be the looting and vandalism of grocery stores, cleaning out any quick

The proper state of mind of a prepper is that whatever may come my way some day, I'll be able not only to barely

We are all faced with the need to travel from time to time; whether it is for business, vacation, family trips or even going

Most of what Jill needs, she either grows herself or makes herself. She has a small workshop, with basic tools in it that were

The combination of the wind and rain is destructive, by flattening structures and flooding occupied areas. It's your decision: whether you bug-in or you

Get in the habit of using a paper map to back up your GPS, when you’re out in the country. GPS could fail at

Creating unforgettable memories and reaping the mental and physical health benefits of communing with nature are both wonderful aspects of letting your child participate

You never know when a large-scale disaster can strike and you could find yourself stuck in the middle of chaos, needing to get out.

As both foreign and domestic issues continue to increase in severity, more people are considering joining a survival community for networking with other people

Despite what anyone tells you, mankind sucks at predicting the future. If you live in a country with thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at

One of the main focus points in the prepping community has been the risk of an EMP, specifically from North Korea. While we have