HomeGENERAL PREP (Page 42)


There are many ways to wind up on high on a mountain. And here's how to survive if you find yourself in a situation

Thousands of animals are sitting in rescues because their owners left them behind during disasters. These owners didn’t think ahead, but you can do

If you are in a city, and need a place to hide, it is very easy to make a bad decision. Have a look at

Setting good habits, situational awareness and emergency response exercises into our daily routines allows you to train your survival skills while staying under the

Survival camping in the rain does not require much equipment, but you will still need to know what to do to get the most

The North Koreans know they won't reunite the Korean peninsula under their rule, unless they can first stop the superpower that is getting in

Beside EMP, what threats are there to electronics? There are at least 7 other factors that can broke your electronics, and you have to

A massive EMP or other event that eliminates electricity and municipal water supplies means you'll have to find some other way to wash your

Poor management, corruption and limited production keep the people of Venezuela from enjoying the fruits of nature’s abundance, and could push the crisis so

Survival movies are a quintessential tool to use when gaining survival skills, as they combine learning with having fun, which translates into a win-win

There isn't such a thing as being totally safe even in your own home: small disasters - like those you face in the kitchen

You can't see anybody standing right behind you, but they are there, following your traces through the virtual world. Then they easily scan your everything

What if you are on a limited income; what do you do then? Is it still possible to be a prepper, even if you’re

If you're a senior and want to stay safe, you need to know how to stay healthy and deter those people who think you're