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We’re much more likely to face a natural disaster in our lifetimes. Hurricane Harvey is only one of them and isn’t done with its

These people are the main driving force behind a one world government, trying to bring all the governments of the world under a central

Survival-based video games are actually becoming popular with the new generation. It’s entirely possible for you to play video games, and at the same

Last week’s altercation in Charlottesville, Virginia has dominated the news all week long. Democrats, the media and even some Republicans have attacked the president mercilessly over his comments about the attack, faulting him over not condemning white supremacists in particular.

There’s absolutely no question at all, based upon the video evidence, that both sides went there spoiling for a fight.

Advances in technology tend to displace workers, as Artificial Intelligence is the biggest job displacer. We need to make sure that we are not

Regardless of what the mainstream media and others on the left say, those of us who consider ourselves conservatives aren’t racists. Race just isn’t an issue to us. We look at people to see how competent they are, not the color of their skin.

Of course, that doesn’t stop progressives from calling us racist, as one of their mantras.

Let’s talk a little about some of the lesser known practices that can help you bag a buck. Because it’s not quite as simple

San Antonio floods remind us all of the high danger from flooding that large parts of the nation regularly face. How do you know

There are a lot of DIY projects to develop for your homestead, and your probably have a long list on hold. Here are a

Kim Jong-un is not someone you’d want in charge of a country that has around 20 nuclear warheads. We have all the reasons not

You don't believe you may wind up homeless and disabled so you still need to know how to stay warm when you have no

Did you take any advantage of the summer days and tested your wilderness survival skills? Hunting, hiking, reading nature’s signs, building shelters and learning how to start a fire – they are all perfect to prepare you and sharpen your survival skills and senses.

These guys did the same, and came back from the wild to share their stories.

A Glock 27 pistol is small, potent and effective, which makes it perfect for a concealed carry if you clean and maintain it. This

When meeting a pack of wolves, knowing how to recognize their intent, as well as how to escape will save you. Keep reading to

Summer is vacation season, but heat waves do present a clear and present danger to one’s health, especially in a survival situation. Here's how