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If you have cows or goats for milk, you’ve most likely ran into times when milk production goes down so here is how to

One of the most underrated benefits of fire is the light it yields. And here’s where torches come into play. Here’s how to make

Do you sometimes wonder if you are storing the right survival food for you and your family? Keep reading and find out!

Homesteading is a way of life. There’s no rule that says that you have to live on a ranch to do it. You can

There are many ways and places where you may come into contact with ionized radiation so being able to test for radiation is very

While falls can be very surprising, knowing what to do and practicing those techniques can save your life and minimize injuries.

Want extra cash, to build a hobby, and develop your prepping skills – all at your own pace? Start a repair business? Here is

If you intend to succeed at moving off grid, there are 10 mistakes you must avoid at all cost. Here they are!

Using medicinal plants for healing purposes is as old as mankind itself. Why not return to our roots?

Don’t find reasons why you can’t become self-sufficient; find ways that you can, then start small. That's what this book is all about.

Every accident is different, but there are basic tips to follow to reduce the damage and stay alive. Here they are!

Paris Climate Change Agreement was supposed to cost us $100 trillion. That's a huge price tag, that we're not going to pay anymore.

Duct tape is that kind of a "jack of all trades" piece of survival gear that can be found in any respectable prepper's paraphernalia.

What would a 14 months drift on the ocean mean in terms of survival? Salvador Alvarenga knows it. He is sharing his story for

For most Americans, Memorial Day is nothing more than a day off work; an opportunity to do some work around the house, take a leisurely day off, or maybe go on a family outing.

There’s no special significance to it, other than not having to go to work.

But Memorial Day is so much more than that.