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One common mistake of survival is the incapability of building a shelter. Here is how to build one from readily available materials.

Teaching kids to prepare for disaster involves tactic and patience. Here’s how to transform all this prepping lessons into funny activities.

We can save a ton of money and be much healthier, even if we just make simple changes in our shopping and cooking habits.

Take a minute and think: how do you feel today: tired, sapped of energy, sick? Some of these symptoms may be caused by what

In a life or death situation with just a few seconds remaining, some strategies will work better than others. Can playing dead save you?

Just because you’ve started building a stockpile it doesn’t mean you are going to survive any disaster. What are you preparing for?

What are you going to do when FEMA shows up at your door to take your guns and food? Find out the tricks of

Humankind is working hard to make an EMP possible, just take a look at North Korea. Yes, a North Korean EMP IS possible, and

If you know how to build and use a forge, you'll have a valuable skill to barter, but also a good start for a

Take care of yourself today in ways that will insure that you’ll be able to take care of yourself even when the fragile food

Now that we’ve got the American Health Care Act, known as Obamacare Repeal, going through congress, what does this bill mean for us?

What many of us don’t realize is that just as food can nourish us, it can also kill us. Learn how to prepare your

Survival experts and gear providers gathered in Utah, for PrepperCon 2017. We've been there, and we’re sharing with you the highlights.

If you’re lost the wild and you have some cattails you've covered four out of five essential survival items: food, water, shelter, fire.

If you know how to use activated carbon, you may be able to reverse serious health problems and prevent them in an emergency situation.