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Without the proper medical supplies, wounds and diseases that are normally not considered life threatening, can become the real threat.

Why to attend PrepperCon 2017? Because you have a rare opportunity to meet our expert Cache Valley Prepper and get your EMP survival question

Lip balm is not just for protecting one's lips. From starting a fire, to protecting your skin, here is how you can use it

Cooking from scratch is easier than you think and is a great way to prepare a healthy, nourishing meal your loved ones will enjoy.

When we thought things couldn’t get worse, a Watergate-like scandal rocks the Trump and Obama administration. What’s in it for us?

When it comes to creating the perfect bug out vehicle, there is no question that changing wheels for tracks has some advantages.

Epsom salt is a different beast from what sits on your table, and does everything from cure constipation, to making your kitchen shine.

What does a 5-gallon bucket and survival have in common? You can build a practical, easy to carry 5-gallon bucket survival kit. Here’s how!

The liberal left loves to act as if they own the moral high ground. They regularly look down their noses at those of us who call ourselves conservative, even doing the same for those who might be considered moderate.

In the left’s way of looking at things, you’re only a “good person” if you say everything they say you should say, believe everything that they say you should believe and support all the causes they say you should support.

Amber Van Hecke, 24, stranded near the Grand Canyon for 5 days, survived because she was prepared. Here’s what to learn from her story.

In a world where GPS systems and cell phone trackers make it easier to navigate, people tend to forget how useful maps are. Here

If the Maya could make perfectly good rubber centuries ago, then it may also be possible for preppers to do the same!

Whether you’re preparing for a disaster, or you just want to be self-reliant, you don’t need to spend a fortune to start homesteading.

Investigate these 10 nuclear risks and be ready to deal with them long before a critical level warning is issued. Your life might depend

While all the cars are gridlocked, you can ride the berm or split the lanes on your bug out motorcycle. Here is how to