In the event of a significant and prolonged grid-down scenario, the need to adopt extraordinary measures to ensure personal safety becomes paramount.
We preppers are good at thinking of and thinking about TEOTWAWKI scenarios where there’s a breakdown in society.
Survivalist prepping requires hard work, preparation, and a practical mindset. You’ll spend plenty of lonely hours rigging up generators and may have to forgo
In an era marked by an increasing fascination with doomsday scenarios and the allure of self-sufficiency, survivalism has found a place in the public
One of the subjects that seem to get overlooked in the prepping community is that of transportation. Oh, we’re great at talking about our
Getting caught out in deep snow can be deadly. Not only is there the risk of hypothermia, but even moving around in the snow
We have a bit of a tradition around here, where I do an article on what I think we all need to be watching
Living the survivalist lifestyle means that you are fully prepared for any eventuality. This means you’ve spent countless hours creating shelters, storing food, and
The majority of us preppers tend to be rather self-reliant individuals equipped with various skills and training to navigate the wilderness with confidence.
My father and I met Crazy Bob deep in the Superstition Wilderness, just south of LaBarge Spring. Along with one other hiker, we were
I’m one of the people who loves winter camping, and I usually try to spend most of the year outdoors. I love this particular
I have been interested in survival stories all my life and since I was invited to write about survival about thirteen years ago, I
There’s a bit of a tendency in the prepping and survival community to think big, when we think of survival. We’d much rather talk
This article of part 2 of a 2-part series based on the book: The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch by Lewis
I’ve been a prepper for almost 12 years now, and I often think about my life before I started this journey. I used to